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2019 Worksite Wellness Awards Applications OPEN

The 2019 Worksite Wellness Award Application is open!  We have some exciting changes to the application this year.  We hope these changes will make the application a more meaningful process for your organization.  Applications are due on January 31, 2019.  We will notify applicants by February 15th, 2019. To open the Survey Monkey based application  

Click here to Submit an application now!

This year, we will be recognizing awardees in four categories.  Applications will be scored based on employer size*.  Applicants will receive one of the following awards: 

  • Governor’s Rising Star in Worksite Wellness
  • Governor’s Award for Excellence in Worksite Wellness Bronze
  • Governor’s Award for Excellence in Worksite Wellness Silver
  • Governor’s Award for Excellence in Worksite Wellness Gold

*Small employers – 1-100 employees; Medium employers –101-499 employees; Large employers – 500+ employees

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