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Electronic Submission of Injury and Illness Records to OSHA – VOSHA will use the federal portal

VT has adopted the new OSHA 300 Electronic Recording law.  The VOSHA Manager says VT employers should be prepared to enter the their 2017 data starting in January of 2018.  They will enter this information in the federal portal, the State of VT does not have a separate portal.

The information below is taken from OSHA’s website:

Who: Establishments with 250 or more employees that are currently required to keep OSHA injury and illness records, and establishments with 20-249 employees that are classified in certain industries with historically high rates of occupational injuries and illnesses. (click here for list of NAICS codes and industries the rule applies too) certain industries

What: Covered establishments with 250 or more employees must electronically submit information from OSHA Forms 300 (Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses), 300A (Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses), and 301 (Injury and Illness Incident Report). Covered establishments with 20-249 employees must electronically submit information from OSHA Form 300A.

When: The requirement became effective on January 1, 2017. The new reporting requirements will be phased in over two years. In 2017, all covered establishments must submit information from their completed 2016 Form 300A. In 2018, covered establishments with 250 or more employees must submit information from all completed 2017 forms (300A, 300, and 301) by July 1, 2018, and covered establishments with 20-249 employees must submit information from their completed 2017 Form 300A by July 1, 2018.

Beginning in 2019 and every year thereafter, covered establishments must submit the information by March 2.

How: OSHA has provided a secure website that offers three options for data submission. 1st, users will be able to manually enter data into a web form. 2nd, users will be able to upload a CSV file to process single or multiple establishments at the same time. 3rd, users of automated recordkeeping systems will have the ability to transmit data electronically via an API (application programming interface).

 Please click link below for additional information and the access the portal



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