Category Archives: Alert

OSHA 501 in S. Burlington Canceled

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If you were registered in this class please accept our apologies. We hate doing this. Please check out our schedule and advise if you would like to move to another course

New PowerPoint Added

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The presentation given about Preparing for the effects on Heat on health at the recent NW Chapter Workshop has been added to the PPT and training page of VSHC website.  

CDC Alert Possible False Blood Lead Results from LeadCare Analyzers

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Potential for Falsely Low Blood Lead Test Results from LeadCare® Analyzers Summary The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a safety communication warning about the use of Magellan Diagnostics’ LeadCare® analyzers (LeadCare, LeadCare II, LeadCare Ultra and LeadCare Plus) with venous blood samples because they might result in falsely low test results. FDA is now advising that Magellan Diagnostics’ LeadCare® analyzers should no longer be used with venous blood samples. The safety alert does not apply to capillary […]